Does your facility need the services of an industrial electrician? As a Columbus Ohio commercial electrician, we’re here to help your facility with any and all of its electrical needs. Of course, that leads to an important question: “What does an industrial electrician do exactly?” Here is a short sampling of a handful of the tasks that a commercial electrician can perform in your facility.
Trenching and backfilling
One of the most basic tasks that an industrial electrician will perform for a facility is trenching and backfilling. Ensuring that your power lines are buried to industry standards is a key skill for any professional commercial electrician. Often, they’ll use a mini excavator for larger projects or a trencher for smaller ones.
They ensure wiring and control panels are integrated correctly Once the power lines are run to your facility, a commercial electrician will then ensure that all wiring is set up according to state and federal standards. This helps to keep your employees safe and your facility running without any unexpected downtime due to an outage.
In addition, an industrial electrician will see that each control panel throughout your facility is integrated correctly with your electrical system.
A commercial electrician will hook up your machinery
One of the important yet sometimes overlooked benefits of working with a qualified commercial electrician is that they will hook up machinery correctly. Understanding how the necessary voltage and systems all work together without causing a power overload is vitally important.
A commercial electrician is there during plant shutdowns
From time to time, industrial facilities will have a plant-wide shutdown. Often, these come around the middle and end of the year, typically close to the 4th of July and Christmas holidays. However, to ensure that your systems are shut down properly, you should have a licensed commercial electrician who understands your facility perform these tasks for you.
A commercial electrician will perform preventative maintenance Often during these shutdown periods (though sometimes throughout the year as well), a commercial electrician will perform various types of preventative maintenance. And as any facility manager is well aware, an ounce of prevention today will save significant operational expenses down the road.
They will both troubleshoot and repair problematic areas
Finally, a commercial electrician will troubleshoot and repair any problem areas in your facility. These include areas experiencing surges, repeated outages, or machinery that seems to be having ongoing power-related problems.
Providing industrial electrical services throughout Central Ohio The items we’ve listed above are just a sampling of the various tasks an industrial electrician will perform for a facility. Some other options include power and lighting services, programming logic controllers, advanced wiring duties, moving or adjusting your system, primary voltage distribution, and handling the installation of your various facility switches.
However, no matter the type of need your facility has, our team has a solution to meet it. We offer a wide variety of industrial and commercial electrician services to businesses throughout Central Ohio. Call our commercial department at 614-206-5401 or contact us through our short form HERE.