FAQs Answered: Common Questions from Homeowners About Electrics

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  • FAQs Answered: Common Questions from Homeowners About Electrics

Electricity runs through your home. Every major appliance, computer, and gadget you own needs electricity, yet only a few people understand how electrical systems work. Currents, fuses, wiring, and the like are all gibberish. If this sounds like you, then it’s time to make a few changes. Please take a few moments to read over the most frequently asked questions we get to improve your knowledge.

What Does It Mean if Something’s Short-Circuited?

Short-circuiting means that something has gone wrong along the wire. It could be that there was a sudden surge of electricity, a wire wore away, or even a mouse in your house chewed on the wire. Your home will be fitted with short-circuit protection, which means that your system will be immediately shut down if there’s an interruption to power. This protects your home from issues like sparks or electrical fire. In some cases, short-circuit issues can be fixed at the fuse box by turning the fuse off and back on. In other cases, you’ll need a residential electrician to find and fix the fault correctly.

What is the GFCI Outlet?

The GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) outlet is an essential tool in your household. It is usually placed near areas that use water and electricity, like your kitchen or backyard pools and spas. It’s there to turn your system off if there’s an issue like a leak to prevent electrocution.

What is the AFCI Breaker?

The AFCI, or the Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter, is a breaker designed to stop or at least lower the risk of electrical fires. It senses electrical arcs that go beyond the normal range. If that arc jumps too high and there’s a surge, the breaker is switched off, meaning the electricity flow is also cut off. AFCI breakers work alongside whole-house surge protectors to prevent sudden surges from frying your appliances, computers, and more. You will typically need to reset these systems manually after allowing for a brief cooldown period.

What’s the Best Way to Save Energy?

There are many ways to save energy in your home. For the most significant savings, have professionals install a smart home system that connects to your HVAC and lighting systems. This way, you can set up automatic timers for everything from heaters to lights. Not only can you set them on for specific times, but also specific parameters. For example, a smart home system can be connected to your mobile phone. It will automatically turn on your heating when you’re a certain distance away on your commute back from work.

Other easy ways to save energy include swapping out your bulbs for LEDs and upgrading your appliances to green energy models. To find these models, look for the Energy Star rating. For larger appliances, these options usually have more eco-friendly standby options or cycle through phases more efficiently to keep things running while using less electricity.

Can I Add Solar Panels?

If you have a roof, you can typically have solar panels installed! For best results, always add a battery to your home system to store captured energy. This is because selling that electricity back to the grid is usually less valuable than keeping the electricity for your home use.

Got more questions? Contact Yoder Electric today to learn more!

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